Film investment in the UK is supported by a range of tax incentives and reliefs. This support provides a range of ways to manage the risk and enhance the potential profits.
By registering for free we will send you a copy of The Guide to The Enterprise Invesment Scheme (EIS) and The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS)

Enterprise Investment Scheme
First introduced in 1994, the Enterprise Investment Scheme, or EIS, was designed by the UK Government to encourage equity investment in unlisted (private) companies and to stimulate entrepreneurial activity. An EIS encourages investors to invest in qualifying companies through a series of very generous tax reliefs.
What you need to know
Over 23 billion pounds has been invested through Enterprise Investment Schemes helping over 30,000 businesses. Films are classified by the UK Government as an EIS qualifying activity. Depending on your income bracket, up to 75% of an EIS investment can be protected, even before the film is released.
Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme
In April 2012, the UK chancellor introduced the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme, or SEIS. It offers advantages over the conventional EIS, including a 50% tax relief (instead of 30%), but total equity investment is limited to a maximum of ₤200,000 over two years. An SEIS is a fantastic way to protect against downside risk on lower budget productions.
Qualifying Period
To receive the full benefits of EIS, your investment must be held within the qualifying company for a minimum three-year period. Enterprise Investment Schemes have a complex series of tax laws. Templeheart Films works with specialist film accountants to ensure you gain the maximum benefit from these schemes. Register today to find out more!