Blank’s UK Release Opens To Great Critical Reviews

  • Posted On:January 08, 2024

'Blank' is the feature film debut from director Natalie Kennedy and has won a raft of awards worldwide including Best Film and Best Director. 

 The film stars Rachel Shelley, Heida Reed, Wayne Brady, Rebecca-Clare Evans and Annie Cusselle in this psychological thriller/drama. 

 Short Synopsis 

After checking in at an AI-operated writer's retreat, Claire finds herself trapped in her unit with a malfunctioning android. As her captor becomes increasingly unstable, can she outsmart the technology to make it out alive or is there something darker to reveal?

The film is now available on digital platforms. 

 Please find a few quotes on the film and links to the reviews: 

 “There’s some inspired direction as Misery meets Ex Machina in this sci-fi psychological thriller.” 
The Guardian 
“Eye-poppingly effective AI thriller” 
The Observer 

"Blank delivers an interesting psychological and claustrophobic take on a modern genre/strong performances/a smart, well-considered spin/something of a low-key triumph"Starburst Magazine – 4 out of 5 stars 

 “Fascinating, frightening, funny... Like AI, is there anything this film can't do?” – 4.5 out of 5 

 “With Blank, director Natalie Kennedy shows a reality not too distant from our own, where humans serve the machines at their disposal.” 
DM Movies – 4 out of 5 stars 

 “Beautifully Shot and directed” 
From Page2Screen 

 "Blank is a well-written, constructed, and acted film/Shelley is brilliant as Claire, but Heida Reed perhaps shines the brightest/A taut two-hand thriller/A well devised tale of the struggle to create"
The Hollywood News 

Verdict: Blank is intelligent, a lot of fun, and, for those scribes who have the creative scars and neuroses that come with the professional territory, occasionally a little chilling as well.  8/10
SciFi Bulletin

Careful of spoilers in the review below, if you have not watched the film yet.
Kudos to the filmmakers/brilliant casting and two superb performances/well directed by Kennedy/a fascinating script/carries a stinger in the tale

4 out of 5 stars